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Theresa May and her political career.

Theresa May was born on October 1st, 1956 in Eastbourne, Sussex to Hubert Braiser and Zaidee Mary. The Prime Minister...

T heresa May was born on October 1st, 1956 in Eastbourne, Sussex to Hubert Braiser and Zaidee Mary. The Prime Minister has demonstrated her ambitious trait by becoming the second female Prime Minister in the United Kingdom. Like with any other political career, hers has also gone through the ups and downs of a political office. Theresa faced major criticism when she wore leopard print shoes during a speech in 2002. The politician also shocked many when she wore knee length boots to meet the Korean President in 2013, and the list goes on. Many viewed her choice of dressing as unprofessional for a political figure. Many argued that even if there were a lack of female representatives in the house of parliament, everyone would take her as a joke when delivering serious speeches due to her attire choice. Despite criticism of her footwear, the Prime Minister has continued to work hard, and her achievements are notable. For, instance, the 57-year-old delivered a speech to the Police Federation warning them that the rising corruption in the police force was a major risk to the image of the British Police. The politician has also been at the forefront of fighting Islamic extremism; that is a significant threat to world peace. May got Abu Hamza out of Britain through deportation. Theresa also managed to broker the extradition of a treaty with Jordan that saw another radical Muslim cleric, Abu Qatada deported. Due to May's fight against terrorism, the British Government has followed her cue and is now very strict on allowing hate preachers into the country. May Unlike other female politicians like Margaret Thatcher does not flirt to get ahead. During the previous Prime Minister's reign, the current Prime Minister was among the first people to keep their job after a major reshuffle. Theresa May has proved that one's fashion choices should not define their work ethic. [Photo:]