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Costs of Self-Storage

Depending on the location, size, and services, the price of self-storage can vary significantly When it comes to self-storage, the...

D epending on the location, size, and services, the price of self-storage can vary significantly When it comes to self-storage, the price depends on a few factors – namely, the amount of space required, location, the type of services, security features, etc. Below, we discuss common factors which can affect the pricing of self-storage.

Price per Square Foot

On a weekly basis, the average cost of self-storage can vary between £0.50 - £1.25 per square feet. The longer the duration of storage, the smaller the cost. For example, a 25 square foot unit in London would cost you £28 per week. The same unit size would cost around £69 per month, around 35% less than the weekly price. At this price, you can expect to have-
  • 24/7 access to your storage.
  • Personal key and/ or unique PIN code.
  • Extensive security and surveillance features.
  • Free on-site parking and equipment like trolleys.
Climate controlled storage facilities usually cost £1 - £2 more per square feet over a month.

Prices per Location

In the UK, London is the most expensive location for self-storage facilities. In general, prices in the southern part of the UK are higher than in the north. The average cost of a 50 square foot unit in a northern location is around £112.50/ month, while the same would cost £122.00/ month in a southern store.

Price Per Box

Some providers price their services according to the number of storage boxes used. For example, LoveSpace charges £2-£6 per box each month. However, you usually have to pay an additional amount for pickup and delivery. In addition, there are often promotional offers and discounts available. Depending on the variables, you can save from 5% to 50% of the total cost of self-storage solutions.