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Change Your Conservatory Experience

Conservatories aren't just nice rooms, they are a lifestyle. Many people have chosen to have conservatories because they offer elements...

C onservatories aren't just nice rooms, they are a lifestyle. Many people have chosen to have conservatories because they offer elements of relaxation. Everyone knows how much we love our sunshine and naturally, people want to get as much as possible. Not only do conservatories enable us to relax and enjoy the sunshine, but they also keep us warm and are the ideal place to socialise with friends. There's nothing like sitting down with a cup of tea and a book in your conservatory. Imagine listening to relaxing music whilst you're surrounded by plants and enjoy the sunshine and daylight - no matter what temperature of time of year. However, there are some details you need to pay attention to to make your conservatory your special place:

Roof Tiles and Glass

If you want to make the most of your conservatory then opt for double glazed glass. It will retain heat and provide you with a comfortable temperature throughout the year. In terms of glass and roofing options, you should choose which will suit you most. Talk to various manufacturers to get advice.

The Blinds

Blinds are important to shield you from direct sunlight and keep your conservatory cool in the summer. Choose blinds that will do this, but also continue to let the sunlight through. There are loads of options, so shop around. In general, you should find blinds with sun reflective backings, or choose a roof blind for a streamlined look. If you want to control how much light enters the conservatory then use roller blinds. Visit a shop to get advice on the best blinds and enjoy a range of colours and styles.

The Windows

Naturally, the bigger the window the more light you'll get. Choose the biggest windows if you want a lot of sunlight to enter the room and enjoy relaxing in the sunshine. Remember, if you want to make the most of your conservatory experience then you should find plants and decor to compliment the room. So have a look at your current conservatory set up, get inspiration and improve the design of this special place. This will be the start of a complete new home feel and lifestyle.