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Who Needs Photographer Liability Insurance?

This article defines photographer liability insurance, why it is important, who needs it, and the extent of the coverage. What...

T his article defines photographer liability insurance, why it is important, who needs it, and the extent of the coverage.

What is Photographer Liability Insurance?

Photographers, like other small business owners, are liable for the outcome of the business processes that occur at their premises. Photographer liability insurance acts as an indemnity-against third party claims-for professional photographers in the events of losses or accidents. The indemnity covers the limit of the sum insured by the photographer. The photographer liability insurance covers third party claims for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, or advertising injury. Upon the occurrence of any of the above-mentioned injuries, the photographer would immediately notify the insurance company to settle the claims.

Who Needs Liability Insurance?

Photographer liability insurance gives professional photographers the freedom to offer their services without fear of being sued by third parties. The insurance cover is suitable for professional photographers, videographers, and video editing companies. These three groups bear the greatest risks of third party injuries which occur during business activities. Hence, they need photographer liability insurance to help them cope with any eventualities. For example, some of the images captured by professional photographers can attract legal suits by individuals who feel that their rights have been abused. A photographer with insurance cover only needs to instruct the insurance company to pay for the damages.

Extent of Coverage

When a photographer takes out photographer liability insurance, he or she is protected from lawsuits originating from third party injuries. For companies, the coverage is extended to employees when they are undertaking a photo shoot or video shoot on behalf of the firm. However, it does not extend to the independent subcontractors that may be contracted by the insured photo company to act on its behalf.