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Top Tips to Reduce the Price of Your Car Insurance

With all the daily expenses to squeeze into your already exhausted monthly budget, you are probably trying to keep your...

W ith all the daily expenses to squeeze into your already exhausted monthly budget, you are probably trying to keep your budget in check. Learning the tips to reduce the price of your car insurance is a great way to save money and get some breathing space. Of course, you could opt to change the policy or company every year but that is onerous. Remember, car insurance costs are not fixed; here are tips on how to reduce the cost of your car insurance. Raise your deductible Your deductible is the out-of-pocket payment made when you make a claim. If you have a good driving record, you will notice that increasing your deductible will save you money every year. Drive an insurance-friendly vehicle When buying a new car, think ahead and consider the insurance cost. Note down your favorite models and get auto insurance quotes for each. If you are having trouble on where to start, make use of a reliable auto insurance comparison tool. Safety and security Taking a defensive driving course, installing the best anti-theft accessories, driving safely and knowing the top tips to reduce the price of your insurance will significantly decrease your annual auto premiums.