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The best tips to pay less for your car insurance

Everyone needs to have a car insurance, but no one wants to have to pay large amounts of money for...

E veryone needs to have a car insurance, but no one wants to have to pay large amounts of money for it. Luckily, there are certain tips you can follow to make sure you pay as little as you possibly can for your car insurance, and we are about to reveal to you some of the most important things you can do to save some extra money: 1. Look around for the best deals: Finding a good deal isn't always easy and it's definitely not very entertaining, but you will be surprised at how much you will manage to save on your car insurance if you decide to look around rather than getting the first policy you find. 2. Refrain from putting everyone on your policy: One of the reasons why so many people pay huge amounts of money for their car insurance is because they include every member of the family on it. Don't do this and make sure that only the names of the regular drivers of the car appear on your policy. 3. Secure your car: As confusing as this may sound, in order to pay less for your car insurance you may have to spend some money on your car first. If you get your car an approved alarm, immobiliser or tracking device you will end up being able to save a fair amount of money on your policy and your care will be safer which is a very positive bonus. 4. Do less miles: The less you drive your car, the less you will have to pay for its policy. For example, driving about 10,000 miles less a year could save you more than £100 on premiums. 5. Get a garage: Buying or renting a garage means that your car will be protected which means you will have to pay less for your car insurance since it will be exposed to less risks. 6. Refrain from adding a young driver to your policy: In case you have children and they themselves are drivers, you will most probably want to include them in your car policy. However, this might cost you a big amount of money which is why many people decide not to do it in order to save on costs. [Photo:]