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The Benefits of Doing an MBA

MBA’s are a great tool to help you land a job you’ve always wanted, by helping you develop skills that ...

M BA’s are a great tool to help you land a job you’ve always wanted, by helping you develop skills that are highly sought after by employers. By going through the courses it takes to receive such a degree, you learn the inner workings of a business, and all the essentials of how to create a prospering one. In turn this highly increases the chances that the job you get will not only be higher up the social ladder, but also well paying.

In the U.K., the average salary of an MBA holder is roughly £100k. That’s nearly double the average salary of a regular university degree holder. Some of you are probably thinking ‘yeah, that’s great and all, but how much  time and money does it cost to get an MBA?’ That’s a very good question, and the answer may surprise you. Typical MBA programs last merely 2 years in total. On top of that, here in the U.K. it only costs roughly £10k to 30k per year of education.

So in total, that’s 20k to 60k spent on an MBA. With 100k per year being the average salary after graduation, you could essentially recoup your education cost in less than half a year. Many prominent companies such as Ernst and Young, Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey, Deloitte, and others all look to hire MBA degree holders. In fact, more than 50% of these degree holders go on to hold a senior level position within their company.

These numbers are quite encouraging, but should you happen to fall into the other 50% don’t fret. There are plenty of other positions, or you could take a route many other MBA holders do, and open your own business. Since you’ll learn everything about how to run a business before you graduate, this won’t be as hard as it sounds reading this now before earning your degree. Many MBA holders are quite successful with being their own boss!