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Should you do a masters online?

If you are trying to specialise in a certain field, a masters is a must-have not only for the additional...

I f you are trying to specialise in a certain field, a masters is a must-have not only for the additional knowledge, but also that extra qualification in your resumé. However, many people really want to take their education a step further but can’t, due to schedule/physical limitations of attending a physical university. Taking a masters online no longer poses that kind of issues. Even though online academic courses were once looked down upon, this notion has been steadily changing. Today’s world is becoming more and more globalised, meaning that education is also following the trend. Online courses are not seen in the same demeaning light that they once were, and, in time, they will be considered equal, if not a better option than masters that require physical attendance. The only element lacking in online masters is the lack of networking, which depends on the university. Some even encourage networking among peers. The reality is that only a few have the luxury of attending a masters full-time. At this point, most are already working and are only looking to increase their knowledge. If your work schedule is impeding your personal growth, or if you lack the financial means to attend a physical university, an online masters is the perfect option for pursuing self-improvement.