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Last Minute Prep to go Disneyland Paris

Originally Euro Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris is an entertainment resort situated east of Paris centre and is the most visited...

O riginally Euro Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris is an entertainment resort situated east of Paris centre and is the most visited European theme park. The resort encompasses several resort hotels, two theme parks, a dining, shopping and entertainment complex along with numerous additional entertainment and recreational venues. If you're planning to visit the resort with your kids, these tips will prove invaluable. There's an App for Crowd Before you head out to the park, ensure you recognize the crowd prediction. You wouldn't want to find yourself in the busiest weekend when you could have waited a couple of days. Download the app before you book your stay as well as the wait-time app to obtain an idea of the ride you wish to check out next. Room Discount or Meal Plan Throughout the off-season and at times bridge season when booking a room, you'll have one of two options: room discount or free meal plan. Depending on the group size, room discount is typically the most cost-efficient option. Depending on the purchased level, the meal plans will offer up to two meals along with breakfast for every member. Review your budget and food expectations and make the best option for yourself. Pack Snacks Don't allow anybody to tell you differently. If you wish to survive Disneyland, bring drinks and snacks. The queues for attractions can be long and unexciting. The lines at the bakeries or snack trucks can equally be boring. Therefore, you must have a snack choice. Plan Ahead Collect the park guide, programme, and study them. It's the only way you'll be updated on character appearances. You could even look up shows, parade times etc before traveling. If you're planning a trip to Disneyland Paris, it's important you plan so you can enjoy the experience with your family.