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How to make your own bird food

It can be very hard to make bird food, but here is a safe guide for making bird food that's...

I t can be very hard to make bird food, but here is a safe guide for making bird food that's safe, nutritious and delicious for birds and brings them back to your garden. Fruit Fruit is a good addition to your bird food recipe. It's healthy and safe for all birds. Try to stick to berries and sweet fruits, but experiment a little as well. Look up what birds visit your garden and research what fruits they prefer. Peanuts and Peanut Butter Both of these food products are good for birds. Make sure to only use the unsalted peanuts, as salted peanuts runs the risk of dehydrating the birds. Suet and Lard Both of these options are very good for birds as they are full of energy and very warming in cold months. Seeds Simple and to the point, sunflower seeds and nyger seeds are very good for birds. These seeds are highly nutritious and will be healthier for different species of birds. Nyger feeds are very small and not useful for feeder birds. This is quite different from sunflower seeds, which are much better for feeder birds. When making your own bird food, try to mix and match and find the best combination for the birds that visit your garden.