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How do online estate agents work?

You might be wondering whether or not using an online estate agent is the right choice. After reading this  article,...

Y ou might be wondering whether or not using an online estate agent is the right choice. After reading this  article, hopefully you’ll gain some insight as to what the best decision for you is. Online Estate Agents are in their most basic form, a cheaper alternative to a typical street agent. Street agent’s will usually charge a percentage of whatever your sale is. This can sound cheap to begin with, but can run up to a few thousand in many cases when everything is said and done. In contrast, online estate agents normally charge by offering a comprehensive plan or package that is one flat fee. In most cases, the fee is quite nominal compared to what a street agent will ask for. Besides cutting costs and saving money, there are other benefits to using an online estate agent as well. To begin with, the internet doesn’t open and close like a business (including realtors) so that means your property is accessible to a large number of potential customers at any hour of any day. Not to mention, by having it advertised online, you gain a much larger audience, which should thereby increase the chances of your property selling. As with everything in life though, there are some drawbacks to going this route. While a very helpful tool in selling your home, online estate agents are more of a guide than anything. They will list the property, broker the deal, and help be there for support, but the rest is up to you. This means getting your property ready for listing, organizing potential viewings, and then actually showing potential buyers the property. Essentially, it requires a little more work than hiring a street agent. If you’re willing to put in a little more effort though, this could really be a smart choice to saving thousands and selling your property more quickly.