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Home and Auto Locksmith Services

Locksmiths are heroes to many of us who lose our keys and get locked out of our house or car....

L ocksmiths are heroes to many of us who lose our keys and get locked out of our house or car. In these cases you can call a home locksmith or an auto locksmith. Choosing a locksmith should depend on their distance to your location, qualifications, and the time it takes for them to arrive. There are also emergency locksmith services for those who need an expedited service. When in trouble, just search for 'locksmith near me' on your mobile phone to find nearby providers.

Home Locksmiths

A home locksmith will help you get back into your home if you lost access. People can accidentally lock their keys inside or lose their keys while out of the house. Home locksmiths have all of the necessary tools to get you back inside. They can even switch out your locks or make a new key on sight.

Due to the differences in home locks, the time and prices vary. On average, it costs £100 to unlock your door but it could cost more if you have a unique type of lock.

Auto Locksmiths

An auto locksmith offers services directly related to your car or truck. If you lock your keys in your car you'll need to get those back before you can drive again. Otherwise it may have to be towed. This is why auto locksmiths are there to help. They can get you back into your car to get your original keys back. They can also make you a new car key if you lost them altogether.

The price for this service depends on the year and model of the car. Usually, a car locksmith will charge £90 for this service and may also charge a service fee. If you need a new key it could cost £200 as car keys are expensive to make.

When locked out of a home or car be sure to search 'locksmith near me' to find someone qualified nearby. There are two main types of locksmiths to choose from, an auto locksmith or a home locksmith. If you're in a rush, search for an emergency locksmith to get fast service.