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Find the Right Style of Yoga for You

Yoga has a lot of different styles, even for the beginners. Different yoga styles require different level of physical fitness...

Y oga has a lot of different styles, even for the beginners. Different yoga styles require different level of physical fitness and flexibility to begin with. In order to get the best benefit, it’s important to choose a style more aligned to your fitness, personality and goals.
  • Ashtanga Yoga: Ashtanga yoga is a hot and energetic method that synchronizes breath with a progressive series of body movements. It detoxifies muscles and organs by producing intense internal heat and is suitable for both beginners and seasoned yogi.
  • Vinyasa Yoga: Vinyasa is pretty similar to Ashtanga yoga in terms synchronizing breathe and movement, but it doesn’t always use the same sequence of stringing postures. Vinyasa yoga is good for building strength.
  • Bikram Yoga: A synthesized version of Hatha yoga, Bikram yoga is performed in a heated room with 26 poses and two breathing exercises repeated every day in the same order for 90 minutes. It is great for sweating and improving oxygenated blood circulation.
  • Hatha Yoga: Originally Hatha yoga referred to a to a wide variety of practices of physical movements, meaning, styles like Ashtanga, Vinyasa, are just different forms of Hatha yoga. It’s now often used to refer a gentler version yoga class including a mix of different styles.
  • Kundalini Yoga: Including meditation, breathing techniques, and chanting; Kundalini yoga is a more spiritual form of yoga. It is known to ignite passion and creativity. It uses rhythm, movement, sound and breathe to shift energy.
  • Power Yoga: Based on the same sequence of poses found in Ashtanga, Power yoga builds upper-body strength with greater flexibility and balance. It is one of the most vigorous yoga styles.