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Diabetes symptoms: When diabetes symptoms are a concern

Diabetes is a chronic disease. Because of it, the body cannot handle the blood-sugar levels, leading to severe damage of...

D iabetes is a chronic disease. Because of it, the body cannot handle the blood-sugar levels, leading to severe damage of the blood vessels, vital organs and even death. Types of diabetes: There are two types of diabetes - Type I diabetes is when your immune system kills the pancreatic beta cells accidentally and this causes the blood sugar levels to rise. In the Type II diabetes, your body is incapable of producing enough insulin or mismanages it, thereby causing the blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Symptoms of diabetes: Some of the symptoms that you must watch out for are: 1. Urinating very frequently, especially at night. 2. Feeling extremely thirsty and hungry all the time. 3. Your vision gets blurry 4. Wounds and injuries take longer time to heal. 5. You easily get infected. 6. There is numbness in your hands and feet along with a tingling sensation. 7. Feeling tired all the time and lack of concentration. Detecting diabetes Generally, Type 1 diabetes can develop suddenly and escalate rather quickly in the patients. However, when it comes to Type II diabetes, it is a gradual process and becomes difficult to detect. It is a frequent sight to see people getting diagnosed with this type of diabetes only after it has crossed the safer levels, so you need to watch out for the above mentioned symptoms and a visit to a doctor even if you have the slightest bit of suspicion. [Photo:]