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Choosing a Charity to Support

It would have been great if we could support all the charities we want to. Unfortunately, that’s not the case....

I t would have been great if we could support all the charities we want to. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. With thousands of charities operating in the UK, deciding which to support is no easy task. Below, we discuss and provide a few tips to make the process easier for you.

Clarify your Values

Supporting a charity is a voluntary task that can bring a sense of satisfaction and empowerment. Therefore, it should be aligned with your own personal and social values. By digging deep in your heart and clarifying your values to yourself, you can narrow down the issues you would like to make a difference in.

Consider Your Causes

Not every cause needs our immediate attention or can make a similarly important impact on peoples’ lives. So, once you have found a few causes you would like to support, it’s time to find more information and compare them against each other in a cause and effect manner. This process will help to narrow down your option further.

Do Some Research

Research the organizations which support your cause in order to find out where your donation is going to be spent. An organization with huge administrative costs may not be as beneficial as an organization that allocates most of their funds for the cause.

Check the Legitimacy

All the charities operating in the UK must be enlisted to the charity commission register and should be willing to provide all the legal and financial documents. As many fraudsters are operating in the charity sector, you should be vigilant to ensure that your money and effort is not going in vain.