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Big Data Marketing: what is it?

What is Big Data Marketing? Big data is a complex form of data generation of both structured and unstructured aspects....

W hat is Big Data Marketing? Big data is a complex form of data generation of both structured and unstructured aspects. You could define it as the collection of data for a company from both digital and traditional sources for analysis, storage and prediction of future trends and possibilities. With the right big data analytics, you can do a lot more - including understanding customer preferences and likes. This would help you to get more customers and build customer loyalty. How is Big Data used in marketing? The relevant information and statistics of a company when stored as big data, can be used to analyse and infer and establish popular trends among customers. Accurate computational process is used to conclude from big data the changing web habits of consumers, changing attitudes of customers, situation specific growth or degeneration, demographic trends in the clientele, browsing behaviour and the like. The analysis of Big Data puts the past and present processes of a company in a compact form to give a probable view of the future. Armed with such information, companies can tweak their marketing and public relation strategies to garner more growth in their clientele by eliminating technical glitches and accommodating popular trends that increase profit and demand. With better operation management, customer-company relationship management, there is increased customer responsiveness helping companies to market themselves beyond limited territorial campaigns. [Photo:]