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Best Medical Insurance Companies

It is surprising how many people don’t have medical insurance. The usual response to asking why is that they have...

I t is surprising how many people don’t have medical insurance. The usual response to asking why is that they have never needed it. In some cases, they haven’t, but its better safe than sorry. Therefore, we have put together a list of some of the best medical insurance companies. Aviva Aviva is probably one of the most known medical insurance companies in the UK. A lot of companies use Aviva for their personal medical insurance and that is why they are one of the best. They have different hospital options, different cover options and some great benefits. These include NHS cashback and up to 75% no claims discount. AXA Another great medical insurance company widely used by UK companies. They offer a list of hospital options, there are also different cover options ranging in price and great benefits. However, AXA do offer NHS cashback but 10% less no claims discount than Aviva. Bupa Another medical insurance company with basically the same benefits. If you choose Bupa or get Bupa cover via work, you will get a list of hospital options, a couple of cover options, NHS cashback and again, slightly lower than the last, 50% no claims discount. Saga This medical insurance company is aimed at the older audience. If you are 50 year or over, this medical insurance would be perfect for you. They have different hospital options, varied cover options and great benefits including NHS cashback and up to 60% no claims discount. The above suggestions should help you steer towards a medical insurance company and cover you in the case of a medical need. Cover yourself and save money.