hat are the alternatives you should consider when you want to
invest your money, and more specifically, when you want to avoid the disadvantage of
low interests? This has become in a way quite crucial for all, even with the shared expectation of higher interests.
There are considerations you might need to keep in mind before you invest, for example, evaluate the probability of coming up with losses, ascertain charges you need to avoid in your investment, and look into the best investment option unique to your needs.
What are alternative to low interest deposits?
The following are the alternatives available if you want to earn a little more interest from your
1. Bonds
This is an option for consideration but it is dependent on your tolerance as it may take some time to make profit. An example is
stock markets.
2. Multi-Asset Funds
Choose a multi-asset fund. An example is the Charles Stanley’s Personal Portfolio Service.
3. Property Investment
Invest in actual property, for example real estate.
4. Down Debts
Pay down debts. When you overpay on a debt, you, in return, cut down on interest as well as time you’d have needed to finish repaying.
5. Current Accounts
Use your current account to avoid extra bank charges.
6. Absolute Return Funds
Choose an absolute return fund like Janus Henderson UK Absolute Return Fund.
7. Use investment Platforms
Do it Yourself via investment platform providers e.g. Hargreaves Lansdown.
8. Government Bonds
Invest in government bonds.
9. Fixed Rate Bonds
Choose a
fixed rate bond. An example is Zenith Bank (UK) Limited Three Year Fixed Term Deposit.
10. Shares from Big Companies
Buy shares from big companies like Legal & General.
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