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The Reason why UK shops are holding the first nationwide 'quiet hour' to help people with autism

People in the world are different with each person coming with special needs that need to be taken care of....

P eople in the world are different with each person coming with special needs that need to be taken care of. That is why understanding and respecting the way of life of your neighbor is important. Not many individuals are aware of the spectrum of autism which is why there has been an initiative for UK shops to hold first nationwide 'quiet hour' to help people with autism. So what exactly is autism? This is a spectrum disorder that begins in early childhood stages and is characterized by a struggle in making relationships and communicating with people socially, repetitive behaviors and using abstract models to communicate. For people with autism, they consider the world to have too much information and at the same time offering too little information also. The National Autistic Society has partnered with 14 intu shopping centers to observe a quiet hour on October 2nd as an initiative of autism awareness starting from 10 a.m. Some of the factors that act as triggers for autism include sudden or loud noises, pungent smell, bright lights and crowds which are habitually really judgmental. The campaign's basis is for music and other background noise to be turned down and the lighting also be dimmed for that hour. The goal of UK shops to hold first nationwide 'quiet hour' to help people with autism is to provide a comfortable shopping experience for them and at the same time avoid information overload. This campaign aims at challenging stereotypes, preconceptions and myths about autism.