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How to choose the perfect wine

It is difficult to find a perfect gift for someone any time of the year unless you know how to...

I t is difficult to find a perfect gift for someone any time of the year unless you know how to choose the perfect wine gift. In our social life, we get to a point that we want to reward or simply appreciate others with a gift. The process requires close consideration given that what goes for a certain occasion or individual may not work in others. Here is a look at how to choose the perfect wine gift: The audience What you gift your close friend is not exactly the same as what you have in mind for your boss at work. For a friend, it is most likely that you will, by the end of the day, pop the wine gift and enjoy it together. As such, a perfect wine gift would be the one that you can easily unwrap yet enjoyable in agreement with the situation at hand. However, when it comes to your superiors, you need to choose something vintage, a gift that will more than impress them given their position and your efforts to appreciate it. The occasion The other vital consideration is the occasion that requires you to bring the perfect wine gift. From anniversaries, weddings, birthdays among other occasions, varying wine gifts will suit different occasions. Knowing the occasion and the audience will guide you as you choose a suitable gift. The Wine The age old question, red or white? Generally speaking, white goes with fish, red goes with meat. There are exceptions, and they depend on the cooking methods. For instance chicken and pork can pair very well with a skin-fermented white, and a Pinot Noir or a Trousseau can work wonderfully with roasted black bass. If you're unsure, it's a good guideline, but when you're more confident in your abilities, feel free to experiment. Many countries produce their own wine, with France and Italy usually being considered the best. The Americas and Australia might just surprise you, though. Similar to the above, if you're unsure, stick to the tried and true, but don't be afraid to experiment. The above tips on how to choose the perfect wine gift will help you select the best wine.